1967-1968 Academic Catalog
40 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 3. The faculty member supervising the independent study must initial the registration card before the course is official. The student will prepare a written proposal that must be presented and approved prior to final registration. 4. No more than eight hours in independent study may be counted toward the major field, no more than four hours toward a minor .field, and no more than sixteen may be counted toward graduation. Independent study should not be taken outside of major and minor .fields without written approval of the division chairman and academic dean. 5. Juniors ::ind seniors are eligible for independent study. Sophomores may be considered to be eligible if they also have the approval of the aca– demic dean and division chairman. 6. Grade point average shall not be a qualification for independent study, although the faculty member has the right to deny student participation for any reason the faculty member deems appropriate. CREDIT OR NO CREDIT PROGRAM One of the objectives of the liberal arts college is to encourage students to broaden their educational backgrounds. Students often are hesitant to study in areas in which they have had little previous experience. The opportunity to take elective courses on a "Credit or No Credit" basis offers students the occasion to develop background in new areas of study without threatening cumulative grade point averages. The following rules govern the program: 1. Juniors and seniors shall be allowed to take elective courses on a credit or no credit basis. No more than one course may be taken in any one term. 2. Electives shall be those courses which will not count toward either general education, major, minors, or cognates. 3. In order to receive credit the student must maintain at least a "C" average in the course. 4. The maximum number of courses allowed per student shall be in re- lation to his grade point average, as follows: 2.0-2.49--one course 2.5-2.99-two courses 3.0-3.49-four courses 3 .5 and above-six courses 5. Following the end of the fourth week of the quarter, the student may not change a course from the credit or no credit system to the regular program.
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