1967-1968 Academic Catalog

B. THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY 222 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY This course will provide an orientation to the general field of philosophy, introducing the student to some of the problems which have engaged the minds of philosophers and the solutions which they have offered. Five credit hours 2 30 THEOLOGY SURVEY A survey of the great doctrines of the Christian faith, designated to help establish the student in the Word of God. Five credit hours 232 BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION A critical evaluation of the theories concerning the origin, extent, and value of the Bible. The doctrine of inspiration, canon, higher and lower criticism, early manuscript versions, and the history of the English Bible are studied. Four credit hourr 332 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. Three credit hours 333 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES AND APOLOGETICS A course designed to demonstrate and to defend the factuality of Biblical Christianity. Evidences of a trustworthy Bible, archaeology, history, fulfilled prophecy, miracles, the Person and the resurrection of Christ, and Christian experience are studied. Attacks upon Christianity are defined and evaluated. Three credit hours