1968-1969 Academic Catalog

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 55 A. ACCOUNTING 101, 102 PRINCIPLES OF AccoUNTING-W, Sp An introduction to accounting. Statements, accounts, journals, adjusting and closing entries, the worksheet, the voucher system, payroll accounting, accounting for proprietorship, partnership, and corporation are treated. Five credit hours each quarter 201, 202 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING-A, W Prerequisite: Accounting 102 Review of fundamentals. Accounting for cash, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, intangibles, investments, liabilities, net worth, and sales. Four credit hours each quarter 301 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING-Sp ( 1968-69) Prerequisite: Accounting 202 A study of consolidated financial statements, foreign exchange, insurance, estates and trusts, branch accounting, and problems. Four credit hours 302 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES-A ( 1968-69) Pre1·equisite: A ccotmting 102 Proper preparation of federal income tax returns for individuals, partner– ships, and incorporations. Ability to do research in this area will be stressed. Fou1 credit hours