1968-1969 Academic Catalog

64 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 262 PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS Prerequisite: BP160 Designed to provide an elementary coverage of descriptive and sampling statistics commonly used in psychology. This includes problems of measure– ment, measures of central tendency and dispersion, linear correlation, pre– diction, and simple tests of significance. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory each week. Five credit hours 361 PSYCHOLOGY OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR Prerequisite: BP160 A course dealing with the appropriate and inappropriate reactions to frustration and stress; solutions of conflicts, fears, and anxiety; building emotional stability and preventing mental illness. The major categories of mental illness and maladjustment, including the psychoses, the neuroses, mental deficiency and anti-social behavior are discussed with emphasis placed on causes, symptoms, and methods of therapy. Five credit hours 364 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT Prerequisite: BP262 or consent of instructor An analysis of theoretical principles and assumptions basic to the meas– urement of human characteristics and behavior. Offers training in the construction, selection and use of psychological tests. 365 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING Prerequisite: BP160 Four credit hours Concepts and theories of learning with emphasis placed on personal applications of accepted procedures. Fo11r credit hours 460 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: Twelve quartu hours of Psychology and perniission of instructor Independent research to be carried out by the advanced psychology student in an area of interest and usefulness to the student. 463 PSYCHOLOGY OF COUNSELING Prerequisite: BP361 or permission of instmctor One to four credit hours An introductory course emphasizing ,the underlying philosophies, cur- rent theories, and accepted procedures of counseling. Four credit hours 466 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: BP262 An introduction to the experimental method in the study of behavior. Class and laboratory work are designed to acquaint the student with the logic of science and psychology and the principles of experimental design. The student will carry out laboratory experiments covering a variety of topics including sensation, perception, motivation, learning, and thinking. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory each week. Four credit hours