1968-1969 Academic Catalog

96 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 314 MICROTECHNIQUE Prerequisite: Biology 115 and permission of instructor Methods and procedures involved in the preparation of microscope slides of animal tissues. An extensive series of slides is required as a basis for further histological study. One lecture, two 3-hour laboratories per week and additional time by ar- rangement. Five credit hours 315 HISTOLOGY Prerequisite: Biology 314 or permission of instructor A study of the microscopic anatomy of animal tissues with considerable emphasis being placed upon physiological and ultrastructural relationships. The laboratory emphasizes the relationship of tissues to the several systems and organ identification. Three lectures and three 2-hour laboratories per week. Five credit hours 400 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN BIOLOGY Prerequisite: Major in Biology and permission of advisor and Division Chairman Independent experimental study involving a particular biological phe– nomenon. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede reg– istratiou. One to five credit hours 134 GENERAL BOTANY Prerequisite: Biology 100 A study of basic functions and structures of plants beginning with the algae and fungi and finishing with the flowering plants. The methodology and techniques of plant science are emphasized. Three lectures and two 2-hour laboratories per week. Five credit hours 136 LOCAL FLORA Prerequisite: Biology 100 or 101 This course deals with the identification of the vascular plants native to the Cedarville locality. The student will make a collection of the available specimens. This course may not be applied toward a biology major or minor. Two lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Three credit hours 2 3 5 PLANT ANATOMY Prerequisite: Biology 134 Plant cells, tissues and organs will be studied in detail. Attention will be given to microtechnique involving the killing, fixing, embedding, sectioning, staining and mounting tissues. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Five credit hours 236 TAXONOMY OF SEED PLANTS Prerequisite: Biology 136 The study includes the classification of the flowering plant with some time given to the history of classification and the various systems by which the angiosperms have been catalogued. A collection of plants will be made by each student. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Five credit hours