1969-1970 Academic Catalog

LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 93 261-262-263 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH Prerequisite: Spanish 161-162-163 or at least two years of high school Spanish Grammar review, composition, conversation, and readings in Spanish cul- ture. Three credit hours each quarter E. FRENCH 171-172-173 ELEMENTARY FRENCH Grammar, oral drill, and simple reading in the language. Three credit hours each quarter 271-272-273 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH Prerequisite: French 171-172-173 or at least two years of high school French Grammar review, composition, conversation, and readings in French literature and culture. Three credit hours each quarter 371-372-373 FRENCH LITERATURE ( 1970-71) Prerequisite: French 271-272-273 or permission of instructor Three credit hour1 each quarter F. GERMAN 181-182-183 ELEMENTARY GERMAN Grammar, oral drill, and simple readings in the language. Three credit hours each quarter 281-282-283 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN (1970-71) Prerequisite: German 181-182-183 Grammar review, composition, oral drill, and readings in German literature and culture. Three credit hours each quarter 381-382-383 GERMAN LITERATURE Prerequisite: German 281-282-283 ( 1970-71) Three credit houn each quarter G. GREEK (See Biblical Languages for course descriptions) 251-252-253 ELEMENTARY GREEK Five credit hours autumn quarter Four credit hours winter and spring quarters 351-352-353 INTERMEDIATE GREEK Prerequisite: Greek 251-252-253 451, 452, 453 GREEK EXEGESIS Prerequisite: Greek 351-352-353 Three credit hours each quarter Three credit hours each quarter