1970-1971 Academic Catalog

SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS 107 257-258-259 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Prerequisite: Chemistry 152 A detailed study of the general principles, aliphatics, aromatics, natural products, etc. Emphasis is placed on mechanisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Four credit hours each quarter 264 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY-A Prerequisite: High School geometry or permission of instructor An introductory study designed to give a general knowledge of concepts, principles and laws pertaining to a God-created universe, with some emphasis on techniques used to obtain this knowledge. Four lectures each week, laboratory by arrangement including field ob– servations at college observatory. Five credit hours 276 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM-Sp ( 1971-72 and alternate years) Prerequisites: Physics 172, Mathematics 282 Basic concepts of electricity and magnetism, AC and DC circuits, electro- magnetism, basic electronic circuits. Five credit hours 278-279 MODERN PHYSICS-W, Sp Prerequisite: Physics 173 co or Prerequisite: Mathematics 282 ( 1970-71 and alternate years) An extension of basic concepts of Modern Physics learned in General Physics. Topics covered include: structure of matter, electricity and light, kinetic theory, x-rays, nuclear reactions, atomic and nuclear structure, radioactivity. Five credit hours each quarter 356 BIOCHEMISTRY-Sp ( 1970-71 and alternate years) Prerequisite: Chemistry 257 A study of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleoproteins and their relationship to life and metabolic processes. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Five credit hours 450 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN CHEMISTRY Independent experimental study of some chemical phenomenon. One to four credit hours 451-452-453 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ( 1971-72 and alternative years) Prerequisite: Physics 173 and Mathematics 283 A study of the principles of Chemical Kinetics and thermodynamics and of the properties of chemical systems. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab each week. Four credit hours each quarter C. MATHEMATICS 180 PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Principles and concepts of arithmetic, algebra, "modern" mathematics of sets and functions, statistics, trigonometry, and other topics related to the elementary school curriculum. Cannot be applied toward a science major or minor. Can not follow any other mathematics course. Five credit hours