1970-1971 Academic Catalog

THE COLLEGE 9 MILNER HALL This building was constructed by student labor in the summer and fall of 1954 and was dedicated to Dr. George S. Milner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, who gave generously for its erection. The building was enlarged in 1959, and currently houses the college bookstore, the Business Administration Department, faculty offices and practice rooms. RESIDENCE HALLS The college maintains residence halls for both men and women. Maddox Hall is the largest dormitory at Cedarville. It is the campus home for 220 girls. The other residence halls are Bethel, Faith, Harriman, Patterson, West Hall, Williams and the Cedar Park apartments. All students under twenty-five years of age who are not living at home must live in college owned or approved residence quarters. All arrangements for off-campus housing are made by the Student Personnel office. Married students must provide their own living quarters. The college assists these students in finding suitable housing. THE LIBRARY The new library is an attractive, one story, air-conditioned structure located near the center of the campus, as shown in the revised ten-year master plan for campus development. This beautiful and functional building makes possible a number of important library services, utilizing a variety of new educational media, for both students and faculty. The library houses approximately 45,000 volumes, plus many other edu– cational aids such as microfilms, recordings, tapes, film strips, slides, and art prints. Along with these instructional aids the library has available tape re– cordings, projectors, record players, and other similar equipment. The new library has a media auditorium which will seat one hundred and several smaller rooms for seminars, conferences, committees, and workshops. There are six small multi-purpose listening and recording rooms where stu– dents may preview records, make tapes of speeches, or similar assignments. There is also a faculty research and study room where professional refer– ence books are available.