1970-1971 Academic Catalog

96 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 336 THE VICTORIAN PERIOD Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course A study of the major Victorian poets and novelists, with emphasis on Ten– nyson, Browning, and Arnold. Three credit hours 338 CONTEMPORARY BRITISH LITERATURE ( 1971-72 and alternate years) Prerequisite: English 103 A study of the development of British literature from the end of the nine– teenth century to the present, with emphasis on the major poets and novelists. Three credit hours 341 AMERICAN TRANSCENDENTALISM (1971-72 and alternate years) Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course Major writers of the Transcendentalist movement are studied against the social and philosophical background of their time. Emphasis on Emerson and Thoreau. Three credit hours 342 AMERICAN NOVEL Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course The purpose of the course is to study the historical development of the American novel and to read and analyze the writings of major American novelists from Hawthorne to Faulkner. Three credit hours 343 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERATURE Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course (1970-71 and alternate years) A study of the development of American literature from 1900 to present, with emphasis on the major poets and novelists. Three credit hours 413 DRAMATIC LITERATURE (See Speech for description) Can be applied to meet English or Speech requirements, but not both fields for the same student. Four credit houn 421 LITERARY CRITICISM ( 1970-71 and alternate years) Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course A study of major critical theories from ancient times to the present. Three credit hours 422 ENGLISH SEMINAR Prerequisite: Permission of the English Department A course designed and directed according to the needs of the individual student with a focus on a particular area of study in either; A) American Literature, B) English Literature, C) W odd Literature, or D) English Language. One to three credit hottrs 42 3 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN ENGLISH Independent study in a selected field with periodic conferences; for stu– dents with special interests and demonstrated ability. One to four credit hours 424 THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN SECONDARY SCHOOL Methods and materials in secondary education. Two credit hours