1971-1972 Academic Catalog

112 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 400 SEMINARS IN HISTORY Prerequisites: Majors or Minors History A. Research in United States History B. Research in European History All majors are required to take either A or B. pare a formal monograph. 401 HISTORY OF THE FAR EAST Each student will pre– Five credit hours A course in the political, social, economic and religious history of China, India, Japan and Southeastern Asia from the earliest centuries to the present. Three credit hours 411 INTERPRETATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY A study of selected historical problems in American History with the emphasis placed upon new interpretations and their impact. Five credit hou,rs B. SOCIOLOGY 230 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY An introduction to the concepts of sociology. The structure and processes of social life are studied. Four credit hours 331 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY A study of the scientific knowledge which exists about mate selection, the courtship process, and the adjustment problems of marriage. 332 CRIMINOLOGY Prereqttisite: Sociology 230 Five credit hourr A study of the nature and causes of crime with emphasis upon methods of prevention and treatment. Four credit hours 333 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Prereqttisite: Sociology 230 A study of the class structure and its implications for American society. 431 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK Prerequisite: Sociology 230 Four credit hours A survey study of the nature and function of social work as related to individuals, groups, and communities. Three credit hours 432 SOCIAL CASEWORK Prereqttisite: Sociology 431 An introduction to the general principles and methods of social casework used by social workers in various types of agencies and organizations. Five credit hours 440 SEMINAR IN SOCIOLOGY A study of sources and methods of sociological research. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. Five credit hours