1971-1972 Academic Catalog

STUDENT LIFE 13 teams and pastoral counseling. The Christian Service committee, made up of both faculty and students, works with the Director in defining the types of activities as well as estab– lishing guidelines for the entire Christian Service program. DRAMA Each year the students, under the direction of a member of the Speech Department, present several major theatrical productions. These are an im– portant part of the college's program of personality and cultural development. Those who participate in these productions become eligible for election to the college's drama workshop group, The Village Players. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS Students with musical talents have many opportunities to participate in college musical programs, gospel teams, College Choir, Choralaires, Marching and Concert Bands, and vocal and instrumental ensembles. A pep band performs at athletic contests. STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is the representative assembly of the student body. Its officers are elected annually by the student body. The Council, in addition to its officers, includes two representatives from each class, one representative from each official campus organization, and a faculty advisor. The purpose of the Student Council is to assist in providing a well-rounded program of extracurricular activities which will help to develop the physical, mental, social, and spiritual life of the students, to inspire loyalty to the school and the principles for which it stands, to promote an efficient and harmonious school life, and to recommend to the proper authorities any action which it deems wise for the welfare of the student as an individual or for the student body as a whole. Election to the Student Council provides an opportunity to exercise democratic leadership in student affairs. The Student Council is responsible for the supervision of the student body project, the student mis– sionary project, and an occasional chapel program. STUDENT ACTIVITIES The Office of Student Activities is responsible for a variety of cultural and social events. Artist-Lecture Series provides concerts, cultural programs, musical specialists and lecture presentations. Other areas of the activity pro– gram include a variety of social events such as banquets, talent nights, all school parties, interest trips, retreats, and many other activities that appeal to college age youth. A well rounded intramural program provides oppor– tunities for participation in organized sports.