1971-1972 Academic Catalog

30 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE be made for late registration. Changes in the program caused by cancellation of courses will not involve financial penalty. The catalog used when the student first matriculates is usually followed in defining graduation requirements. Therefore, he should keep that catalog as his guide in case changes are made in course or graduation requirements. SESSIONS AND CREDITS The regular college year consists of three quarters of eleven weeks each, extending from October to June. Credits are earned in terms of quarter hours. A quarter credit hour is one fifty-minute period a week for one quarter. As an illustration; a student completing the work required in fifteen such periods a week for one quarter receives credit for fifteen quarter hours. Exceptions to this are laboratory sessions, applied music, and physical education. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Regular students are those who have met the requirements for admission. Regular standing implies that the student is enrolled in a degree program and is carrying at least twelve quarter hours of credit. Special students are those who have met most of the requirements for reg– ular admission but are not enrolled in a degree program. This classification also includes those students whose high school record or ACT scores show that a period of special counseling, instruction and adjustment is needed before they can be classified as regular students. Part-time students are those who have met all admission requirements and are enrolled in a degree program but are carrying less than twelve quarter hours credit. ASSIGNMENT TO CLASSES Official class membership is determined according to the following sched– ule: Class Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Special Quarter hoitrs completed less than 45 45 to 89 90 to 134 135 and more Assigned* The Registrar and Dean of Students will assign "special" students to appropriate grade level for purposes of student personnel records on the basis of maturity, previous school records and other related factors.