1971-1972 Academic Catalog

68 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 320 INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATING-A, W Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor Current intercollegiate debate propositions. Participation in intercollegiate debate is required for credit. Repeatable to a total of six credit hours. 410 INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATING-A, W, Sp Prerequisite: Two years of intercotlegiate debate experience Two credit hours Current intercollegiate debate propositions. Participation in intercollegiate debate is required for credit. Repeatable to a total of six credit hours. 412 ADVANCED ORAL INTERPRETATION-W Prerequisite: 212 Two credit hours Advanced study in the literary analysis and oral interpretation of prose, poetry and drama. Three credit hours (413 PRAMATIC LITERATURE-Sp Survey of major drama, playwrights, dramatic crmcs and theorists from the Greeks to the present. Emphasis on relationships between styles, theory, criticism, dramatic construction. Can be applied to meet English or Speech requirements, but not both fields for the same student. Four credit hours 416 HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADDRESS-A A critical and historical study of rhetorical theory and oratory from the Greek period to the present, emphasizing the part played by speakers in the development of political and social institutions, and the solutions of national problems. Five credit hours 417 THE TEACHING OF SPEECH IN SECONDARY SCHOOL-A Methods and materials in secondary education. Two credit hours 419 SPEECH SEMINAR Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Intensive study of some phase of the speech field with classroom partici- pation. Three credit hours A. Broadcasting B. Rhetoric and Public Address C. Special Topics D. Private Speech 420 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN SPEECH-A, W, Sp Independent study in a selected field with periodic conference&=-for those with special interests and demonstrated ability. Repeatable to a total of eight hours. One to four credit hours