1971-1972 Academic Catalog
78 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 260 HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite: PY160 An analysis of the physiological and psychological development of the individual from conception through adolescence. Five credit hours 261 PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS Prerequisite: PY160 Designed to provide an elementary coverage of descriptive and sampling statistics commonly used in psychology. This includes problems of measure– ment, measures of central tendency and dispersion, linear correlation, pre– diction, and simple tests of significance. Five credit hours 264 PSYCHOLOGY OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR Prerequisite: PY160 A course dealing with the appropriate and inappropriate reactions to frustration and stress; solutions of conflicts, fears, and anxiety; building emotional stability and preventing mental illness. The major categories of mental illness and maladjustment, including the psychoses, the neuroses, mental deficiency and anti-social behavior are discussed with emphasis placed on causes, symptoms, and methods of therapy. Five credit hours 270 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: PY160 The application of principles of human development and learning to the problems of education and classroom learning. Fottr credit hoi1rs 360 PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Prerequisite: PY160 A survey of the needs and problems of both the gifted and the slow learner with special emphasis placed upon teaching these children. 361 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY Prerequisite: PY160 Five credit homs Major trends in the development of psychology from its beginning to the present. Emphasis is placed upon contemporary theory. 362 PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS II Prereq11isite: PY261 Foitr credit hours Statistical methods and interpretations encountered in experimental studies and presentations of behavioral data. Analysis of variance and covariance techniques are emphasized. Five credit hours 363 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT Prereq11isite: PY261 An analysis of theoretical principles and assumptions basic to the meas– urement of human characteristics and behavior. Offers training in the construction, selection and use of psychological tests. Five credit hottrs
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