1972-1973 Academic Catalog
64 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 241 MAJOR BRITISH WRITERS-A Prereq11isite: English 130 Emphasis on the major writers and works from Beowulf to 1800. 242 MAJOR BRITISH WRITERS-W Prereq11isite: English 130 Five credit hours Emphasis on the major writers and works from 1800 to World War II. Five credit hours 331 THE ENGLISH NOVEL (Alternate, odd years) Prerequisite: Any 200 level literature course A reading and critical analysis of representative novels of the period from Richardson to Hardy. Three credit hours 332 POETRY OF THE ROMANTIC PERIOD (Alternate, even years) Prereqttisite: LL241 or 242 A study of the characteristics of Romanticism and the writings of the ma- jor poets of this period. Three credit hours 333 MILTON AND THE METAPHYSICAL POETS (Alternate, odd years) Prereqttisite: LL241 The major prose and poetry of John Milton, particularly Paradise Lost, and selected works of the major Metaphysical poets of the 17th century. Three credit hottrs 334 THE RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Prerequisite: LL241 (Alternate, even years) A study of the principal writers from Dryden to Blake with emphasis on Pope and Swift. Three credit hours 33 5 SHAKESPEARE-A Prerequisite: LL241 Representative comedies, history plays, tragedies and sonnets. Five credit hours 336 THE VICTORIAN PERIOD (Alternate, even years) Prerequisite: LL241 or 242 A study of the major Victorian poets and novelists, with emphasis on Ten- nyson, Browning, and Arnold. Three credit hours 338 CONTEMPORARY BRITISH LITERATURE (Alternate, odd years) Prereqnisite: LL242 A study of the development of British literature from the end of the nine– teenth century to the present, with emphasis on the major poets and novelists. Three credit hours 341 AMERICAN ROMANTICISM (Alternate, even years) Prereqnisite: LL232 Major writers of the American romantic movement are studied against the social and philosophical background of their time. Emphais on Poe, Haw– thorne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman. Three credit hours
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