1972-1973 Academic Catalog
78 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A. EDUCATION 200 FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION An introduction to the discipline of education. The role of the school in the American society. Current problems and the resulting curricular changes emphasized. Teaching as a career. Foit1· credit hours 201 PLANNED OBSERVATION AND PRE-VOCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Each student arranges 25 hours of visitation time in a public school during which he observes and participates in classroom activities. A follow-up report is required. Zero credit hour 210 EDUCATION OF THE SLOW LEARNING CHILD A survey of the historical, philosophical, sociological and psychological bases for the education of the educable mentally retarded child. Character– istics and needs of this type of child and current programs for meeting those needs are presented. Three credit hours 228 ARTS AND CRAFTS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Philosophy, methods. and materials of art instruction. Emphasizes creative work, using simple tools and inexpensive materials. Four credit hours 300 PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING Prerequisite: ED200 A general methods course concerned with the instructional process. Skills developed in stating objectives, developing units of instruction and Learning Activities Packages, using a variety of teaching techniques and strategies, and evaluating learning. Microteaching experiences included. Five credit hours 301 PLANNED OBSERVATION AND PRE-VOCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Prerequisite: ED201 Each student arranges 25 hours of visitation time in a public school during which he observes and participates in classroom activities. Follow-up report is required. One credit hour 310 SHORT TERM TEACHING PROGRAM Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor A one week experience designed to give the prospective teacher a short but concentrated look at some facet of education somwhat different than the typical classroom experience; e.g. reading clinic, outdoor education camp, nursery school, body management program, innovative school settings, etc. One credit hour 320 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE A survey of the early history, major types, values, modem trends, and suggested selections of books for the elementary literature program. Five credit hours 330 THE TEACHING OF ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE Prerequisite: ED210, SM182 Methods of instruction with emphasis on modem trends. Preparation and evaluation of instructional materials. Five credit hours
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