1972-1973 Academic Catalog

96 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 350 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF CHURCH Music-Sp Prerequisite: Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Proficiency Tesl Problems and practices of church music directors, and the organization of church music activities including the graded church choir program. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. Three credit houn D. MUSIC EDUCATION 272 MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-A, W, Sp Prerequisite: Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Proficiency Test Philosophy, methods, and materials. Three credit hours 273 FUNCTIONAL PIANO-A Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Development of skills in harmonization at sight, transposition, and playing by ear. Three credit hours 275 VOICE CLASS METHODS-W A study of vocal techniques and problems. 370 CONDUCTING Three credit hours Prereq11-isite: Mmic Theory 111-112-113 and premission of the Music Division A study of the role of a conductor, and the refinement of conducting technique through actual experience with vocal and instrumental groups. Must be a member of a large music ensemble concurrent with the course. A-Vocal-W Two credit hours B-Instrumental-Sp 371 MUSIC IN THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL-W Prerequisite: Music Education 272 Philosophy, methods, and materials. 372 MUSIC IN THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-A PrereqtJisite: Music Education 371 Philosophy, methods, and materials. 373 THE INSTRUMENTAL TEACHER-A Prerequisite: Permission of the instmctor Two credit hours Three credit hours Three credit hours Philosophy, learning, processes, organizational problems, and practical experience in instrumental teaching throughout the school system. 374 THE VOCAL TEACHER-W Prereqttisite: Permission of the instmctor Five credit hours Philosophy, learning processes, organizational problems, and practical ex- perience in vocal teaching throughout the school system. Five credit hours