1973-1974 Academic Catalog

12 Cedarville College New Student Orientation In order to give new students an opportunity to adjust to their new sur– roundings, the college sets aside a period at the beginning of the autumn quarter for reception, registration, and orientation. During these days, the new students become acquainted with the campus and the facilities pro– vided for their instruction and welfare. Selected upperclassmen play a sig– nificant role in the orientation program. During this period, several tests and a personality inventory are given to all new students. These tests must be taken before a new student can complete registration. Devotional In addition to private devotions and weekly residence hall prayer meet– ings, half-hour mission prayer meetings are conducted each morning before the beginning of classes. Two days are designated each year as days of prayer. A series of Bible lectures or a migsionary conference is scheduled each quarter. Christian Service Every student is encouraged to participate in some area of Christian ser– vice for at least two of the four years of the college program. It is the belief of the college administration and faculty that this experience pro– vides a vital means of achieving the stated objectives of the college. There are opportunities for experience and service in local church ministry, in homes for orphans, the indigent and the infirm, penal institutions, cor– respondence with missionary personnel, open air meetings,children's meet– ings in private homes, and religious surveys. Many students are challenged by a campus visitation program in which there is an opportunity to share their faith with their academic peers on other college campuses. The Director of Christian Service is responsible for the assignment of students who register for all kinds of Christian service work. He is also responsible for Sunday services on campus, prayer meetings, student service teams and pastoral counseling. The Christian Service Committee, made up of both faculty and students, works with the Director in defining the types of activities as well as establish– ing guidelines for the entire Christian Service program. Student Publications Students have the primary responsibility for the publication of the college year book, The Miracle, and the college newspaper, Whispering Cedars. A faculty-student committee provides direction and advice. Students interested in staff positions may apply to the editors.