1973-1974 Academic Catalog

Statistical Information ENROLLMENT STATISTICS- AUTUMN QUARTER, 1972-73 Enrollment By Classes: Men Freshmen 142 Sophomores 114 Juniors 94 Seniors . ' . . . . . . . . 73 Part-time 12 Special 13 Total Enrollment 448 Enrollment By Choice of Major Field of Study: Major Biblical Education . Biology Broadcasting Business Admin- istration Chemistry Elementary Educa- tion. English . . . . . . . . . . History Interdisciplinary Studies . Mathematics Music ........... Physical Education Psychology Socia l Science Enrollment By States: Alaska ... .... . .1 Arizona . . . ..1 Arkansas .. 1 California . . . . .6 Colorado ......3 Connecticut .. .... 1 Delaware . . . . .2 Florida . . . . . .7 Idaho ... ......2 Illinois .... .. ... .41 Indiana ........ .81 Iowa Kansas ... Kentucky Maine. ..... .34 ..5 .4 . ...2 Men 100 24 13 53 23 26 9 17 4 22 17 49 18 22 Women Tola/ 148 290 Speech 15 10 25 151 265 No Specification 33 68 101 79 173 Double Majors . 17 20 37 99 172 9 21 Faculty and Enrollment Comparisons, 8 21 1953-54 - 1972-73 494 Women 29 18 2 27 2 145 37 3 3 14 29 35 28 942 Toia/ 129 42 15 80 25 171 46 20 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 102 9 11.3 103 9 11.4 119 10 11.9 139 12 11.6 119 14 8.5 164 15 10.9 255 22 11.6 352 26 13.5 433 28 15.5 455 30 15.2 501 33 15.2 603 35 17.5 763 43 17.7 795 49 16.2 822 51 16.1 865 56 15.4 925 60 15.4 961 65 14.8 970 63 15.4 944 63 15.0 (911 )* (52)* (17.7)* 10 7 36 46 84 46 32 • Full-time equivalents Maryland ....... 11 Massachusetts ....5 Michigan ....77 Minnesota .......5 Missouri . . . .. .4 Montana ....3 New Hampshire ..3 New Jersey ..26 New York ......95 Ohio ......... .415 Oregon .1 Pennsylvania ....57 Tennessee ........2 Vermont ... 1 Virginia. . .. 7 Washington .. .4 Washington D.C. .2 West Virginia ..6 Wisconsin .11 Africa ........2 Brazil ... .3 Canada . . ..3 Japan . . . .. 2 Hong Kong ...... 1 Philippines . . . .1 Portugal . . .1 Puerto Rico ...... 1 South America ... 1 Thailand ......... 1