1973-1974 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE BULLETIN VOL. 55 No. 3 JUNE-JULY 1973 VISITORS WELCOME! SECOND CLASS Postage Paid CEDARVILLE OHIO 45314 Young people find that a campus visit is of great value in finalizing the important decision relating to the choice of an educational program to fit their needs. Therefore, we urge you to accept our invitation to visit Cedarville College where you can learn directly about the facilities, curriculum, and activities ava iIable to our students. W hen your tentative plans have been completed, we urge you to write the Development Office for a l ist of campus activities and other important information. If we know you are com ing, we will be prepared to welcome you, provide for a campus tour, arrange for academic counseling, and make reser– vations for one free meal in our cafeteria. Offices are open for visitors from 8 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment on Saturday . Please write: Director of Development, Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio 45314 or call (513) 766-2211, ext. 226.
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