1973-1974 Academic Catalog

16 Cedarville College The Village Players, the college's drama workshop group, promotes inter– est in the art of the living theatre. Timalathians provides an opportunity for the student to develop a Chris– tian World and Life View and stimulates the student to present a cogent witness for Christ in the 20th Century. Varsity "C" Club is composed of men who have earned varsity letters in intercollegiate sports. Women's Recreation Association promotes fellowship and sportsmanship among women of the college. Intercollegiate and Intramural Sports Cedarville College maintains intercollegiate athletic competition for men in basketball, baseball, cross-country, track, tennis, golf, and soccer. Cedar– ville is a member of the Mid-Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and the National Association of lntrcollegiate Athletics. A student must be pass– ing in 12 quarter hours in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Intercollegiate sports for women include field hockey, basketball, and vol– leyball. The Physical Education Department supervises a program of intramural sports each year, including touch-football, basketball, volleyball, bad– minton, tennis, table tennis, softball, soccer, and wrestling. Women students at Cedarville compete in the Circle Freeway League in volleyball and basketball. They also hold membership in the United States Field Hockey Association and the Miami Valley Field Hockey As– sociation. Housing for Students The college maintains residence facilities for both men and women. Rooms are furnished with basic items of furniture, but students must supply their own pillows, bedding, and room accessories. Students care for the cleaning of their own rooms. Coin-operated laundry facilities are available in the residence halls and in the community. Linens may be leased from a linen service company on a quarterly or yearly basis. Residence halls for students include Bethel, Faith, Harriman, Maddox, South, Patterson, West, Williams, and the Cedar Park apartments. When the college is unable to accommodate all of the students in its residence facilities, some select upperclass students are assigned to approved off– campus housing. All arrangements for off-campus housing for students under twenty-five and not living at home are made by the Student Personnel Office. Married students are responsible for providing their own living quarters. However, the college will assist by recommending suitable housing which may be available at the time of enrollment.