1973-1974 Academic Catalog

26 Cedarville College Student Aid Many students need assistance in meeting educational costs. Since finan– cial need is one of the factors considered in awarding aid, each single student desiring financial aid in the form of a scholarship or loan, underwrit– ten by the college, must submit a Parent's Confidential Statement through the College Scholarship Service. This form may be secured from a high school guidance counselor or the Student Financial Aid office. Students anticipating financial need should have these forms completed by their parents at least six months prior to the time that they will need to secure aid funds. Application for any aid must be made well in advance of the anticipated need. All requests for student aid are handled by the Director of Financial Aid. Scholarships and Grants Academic scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated academic ability and a definite financial need. These scholarships are for varying amounts and also may provide an opportunity of employment with the college. The scholarships are awarded on an annual basis with a minimum academic average of 3.25 for upper-classmen and 2.75 for freshmen required for renewal. Christian character, service, and cooperation are also considered in awarding these scholarships. Athletic grants-in-aid are available for qualified athletes. Inquiries should be addressed to the Athletic Director.