1973-1974 Academic Catalog

Major Fields of Study Behavioral Science* Biblical Education Biology Broadcasting Elementary Education English History History-Political Science* Interdisciplinary Studies* Mathematics Medical Technology* Music Physical Education Psychol~gy Social Science Speech Business Administration Chemistry Communications* 'These majors represent combinations of two or more areas of study Divisions of Instruction Instruction in the college is grouped into eight divisions plus the Interdis– ciplinary Studies Program which is controlled by a steering committee. I. BIBLICAL EDUCATION Biblical Studies Biblical Languages Philosophy and Religion II. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Accounting General Business Economics Ill. COMMUNICATIONS English Language English and American Literature French Practical Theology and Missions Christian Education Management Marketing German Greek Speech IV. EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Elementary Education Psychology Secondary Education V. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity Courses Health Education VI. MUSIC Music Theory Music History Church Music VII. SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Biology Chemistry VIII. SOCIAL SCIENCE Recreation Physical Education Music Education Applied Music Physics Mathematics History Geography Sociology Political Science INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES PROGRAM