1973-1974 Academic Catalog
Communications Language and Literature Department Associate Professors: Harmon Bergen, Edward L. Greenwood, Edward E. Spencer, Chairman Assistant Professors: Pat L. Dixon, Ronald M. Grosh, Sharon B. Hahnlen The division of Communication is comprised of A) English Language, B) World, English, and American Literature, C) French, D) German, E) Greek. The English Department seeks to achieve the following objectives: (1) to speak and write correctly and effectively; (2) to read and appreciate the great masterpieces of English and American and World Literature; (3) to teach intel Iigent standards for eva Iuati ng Iiteratu re; (4) to provide a general knowledge of the chronology and the social and intellectual back– ground of English and American Literature; (5) to prepare students for graduate work in the field of English; (6) to prepare teachers of English. A qualifying test in English grammar is a requirement for the student who elects either of the two programs in English. The qualifying test should be taken by the middle of the sophomore year. An average of 2.5 in English course work is an acceptable criteria for the student who elects the English teaching field program and an average of 3.0 for the student who elects the English major in preparation for graduate school. Students who choose English as a major are expected to acquire a reasonable level of competency in the discipline of the English language. Students receiving either a waiver or credit for LL120 Rhetoric and Com– position based upon ACT, SAT, or CEEB Advanced Placement Test will begin the sequence with LL 130, Literature and Composition.
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