1974-1975 Academic Catalog

Social Science 1 431 Introduction to Sodal Work 3 hours A survey study of the nature and function of social work a 0 related to individuals, groups, and communities. Prerequisite: Sociology 230 432 Social Casework 5 hours An iritroduction to the general principles and methods of social casework used by social workers in various types of agencies and organizations. Prerequisite: Sociology 431 440 Seminar in Sociology 5 hours A study of sources and methods of sociological research. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. C. GEOGRAPHY 251 World Regional Geography-Western Hemisphere 5 hours A survey of various regions in the Western world with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. 252 World Regional Geography-Eastern Hemisphere 5 hours A survey of various regions in the Eastern world with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. 352 Political Geography 3 hours A study of the impact of geographical influences upon the establishment and function– ing of nation-states. The investigation of national power and international relationships within a spatial context. Prerequisite: 251-252 (Alternate, even years) D. POLITICAL SCIENCE 261 American National Government 5 hours An introductory study of the development and structure of the Constitution and the operation of our national political institutions. 262 American State and Local Government 4 hours The organization and function of states and their political subdivisions form the basis of study in this course. 361 The American Presidency 4 hours An overview of the office of the American president, the various responsibilities which he holds, the contrasting theories held in regard to the execution of his office, and a consideration of the increasingly important influence his actions have upon the nation and the rest of the world. 363 The Supreme Court 3 hours An introductory course to the United States Supreme Court as an institution of lasting permanence within the American Governmental structure. 366 International Relations 5 hours Contemporary world affairs surveyed in relationships to the struggle for power within the nation-state system. Divisive and cohesive factors among nations will be stressed. 461 Political Dynamics 3 hours A comprehensive analysis of public opinion, interest groups, political parties, and voting behavior. A study of the formation of political attitudes and their impact on the political process. Prerequisite: 261 (Alternate, odd years) 462 American Constitutional Law 4 hours This course treats some of the most important "landmark" decisions handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. 466 Comparative European Government 3 hours An examination and comparison of the major European governments, such as England, France, and Russia, to that of America.