1974-1975 Academic Catalog
16 Cedarville College supervision of the student body project, the student missionary project, and an occasional chapel program. Drama Each year the students, under the direction of a member of the Speech Department, present several major theatrical productions. These are an important part of the college's program of personality and cultural devel– opment. Those who participate in these productions become eligible for election to the college's drama workshop group, The Village Players. Student Activities The Office of Student Activities is responsible ·,or a variety of cultural and social events. An Artist Series provides concerts, cultural programs, and musical specialists. Student Senate sponsors an annual' lecture series designed to expose students to the world of ideas and current issues and to stimulate analytical and critical thinking. Other areas of the activity program include a variety of social events such as banquets, talent nights, all school parties, interest trips, retreats, and many other activities that appeal to college age youth. A well-rounded intramural program pro– vides opportunities for participation in organized sports. Student Organizations Alpha Chi, an honorary society for men, has the aim of cultivating Christian personality and leadership. Alpha Mu Chi is a society for engaged girls providing fellowship, instruction in homemaking, and ideas for weddings. Alpha Zeta promotes interest in the field of photography. Business Administration Council stimulates interest among students majoring' in business. Christi.an Education in Action promotes fellowship and inspiration for those interested in Christian Education. Delta Sigma Alpha, a music honor society, offers membership to soph– omore, junior, and senior students who have excelled in musical schol– arship and who have served the college, church, and community through music. Educational Club provides encouragement and guidance for those majoring in education. Fellowship for World Missions sponsors an annual missionary confer– ence. Members also meet regularly for prayer and discuss problems of the missionary.
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