1974-1975 Academic Catalog

6 Cedarville College goals. The money and effort invested in education at Cedarville can pay high dividends throughout life. Purpose: The purpose of Cedarville College, a Baptist college of arts and sci– ences, is to offer its students an education consistent with Biblical truth. To achieve this purpose the college seeks to accomplish the following objectives: 1. To undergird the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and to stimulate him to evaluate knowledge in the light of Scriptural truth. 2. To encourage growth in Christian character in each student, and help the student accept his responsibility in faithful Christian service. 3. To increase the student's awareness of the world of ideas and events which are influencing our contemporary culture and to prepare the student to knowledgeably participate in our demo– cratic society. 4. To enable the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunities for students to practice the skills of communication. 6. To offer opportunities for academic specialization and prepara– tion for graduate study, and to assist the student in selecting and preparing for a vocation. 7. To foster the student's appreciation of and participation in whole– some avocational and cultural activities. History Cedarville College has a rich heritage. It was established by the Re– formed Presbyterian Church and individuals who had a vital interest in spiritual welfare of young people. The college was chartered by the State of Ohio on January 26, 1887. During the early days, as now, Christian principles and conduct were stressed as indicated by the following quo– tation from a former president, "Above all, Cedarville College believes that culture of the mind without the nurture and growth of spiritual life is a mistake. Education without morality is a menace to the state ... accordingly the Bible is a textbook of the college." In 1953 the operation of the college was transferred to the Trustees of Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland with the goal of enlarging the institute's ministry. The name, Cedarville College, was retained. The col– lege, now an approved school of the General Association of Regular