1974-1975 Academic Catalog
Business Administration 352 Prodm:tion Management - W 4 homs Manufacturing, planning, inventory analysis, make or buy orders, purchasing, equipment analysis, production scheduling, quality control, and cost control. A survey of the above activities relating to production and introduction to modern production management techniques. Prerequisite: BA 251 and BA 102 (Alternate, odd years) 451 Seminar in Management - W 3 hm.11rs A course dealing with contemporary management problems and key issues in manage– ment. Field trips, special speakers, management simulations and'the different philosophies of management will be emphasized. Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Management courses and/or 361 and 362 (Alternate, even years) IE. MARKHI NG 261 Principles of Marketing - A 4 homs A survey of distribution functions, middlemen and channels of trade, competition, price policies, market planning, market research, and consumer problems. 263 Principles of - W 4 hours Principles and procedures modern advertising including analysis of products, buyer attitudes, media, layout, and copy. 361 Sales Management - A homs Techniques, principles, and practices in personal selling, and a discussion of the princi– ples of organization, supervision, and control of the selling function. Prerequisite: BA 261 362 Marketing - W 4 hours Factors involved in management of the marketing function relative to product devel- opment, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the determination of marketing objectives within the framework of the marketing system and available markets. Prerequi- site: BA 261 (Alternate, odd years) 363 Marketing Research - Sp hours The techniques for gathering and appraising information needed in marketing planning and control are examined- especially the development of primary marketing data through survey and observation. Prerequisite: BA 261 and BA 211 (Alternate, even years) 461 Seminar in Marketing - W 3 hours A course dealing with contemporary marketing problems and key issues in marketing. Field trips, special speakers, and marketing simulations will be emphasized. Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in Marketing courses (Alternate, odd years)
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