1975-1976 Academic Catalog

Social Science 101 RECOMMENDED PROGRAM FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE MAJORS freshman Year Autumn Winter Spring Old Testament Survey, BE 101 5 CAREER New Testament Survey, BE 102 5 OPPORTUNITIES Man and the Arts, IS 100 5 Rhetoric and Composition, LL 120 5 Teacher in Literature and Composition, LL 130 3 High School Fundamentals of Speech, LL 110 5 History General Physical Education, PE 101, 102, 103 1 1 Social Science United States History, SS 211, 212 5 5 Foundations of Social Science, SS 100 5 Political Science Elective 3 Government Work 16 14 19 Historical Research Sophomore Year Probation Officer Theology Survey, BE 230 5 Christian Education Elective, BE 3 Politics and Biological Science, SM 5 Related Physical Science, SM 5 Welfare Work History of Civilization, SS 201, 202, 203 3 3 3 Children's Case Principles of Sociology, SS 230 4 Worker American National Government, SS 261 5 Research American State and Local Government, SS 262 4 Family Caseworker Literature Elective 5 Bible Elective 5 Administration 17 16 17 The program of studies for the junior and senior years should be developed with the help of the faculty adviser. Care should be exercised to include all remaining general education requirements, cognates, and required courses listed under the major. DIVISIONAL COURSES 100 foundations of Social Science - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours This course is designed to provide the student with a knowledge of some of the basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science. Required of all students for gener– al education. 490 Independent Study in Social Science Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor A. History B. Sociology C. Geography D. Political Science 1=4 hours 493 Seminar in Social Science 5 hours An analysis of the problems of social science research. A study of the scope and methods of field research, questionnaire design, and the scientific methods applied to social phe– nomena. Techniques for collecting data, elementary statistical procedures, and interpreta– tion of research findings will be included. Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor 499 Social Science Internship Majors who participate in government service, historical research, social work, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 hours credit. The approval of the Division is necessary for any proposed internship.