1975-1976 Academic Catalog

102 Cedarville College A. HISTORY 201, 202, 203 History of Civilization A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarter A study of Western Civilization. Emphasis is placed on the development of the religious, social, political, economic, and intellectual forces that influenced the formation of the present European states and the role these states have had in the colonization and develop– ment of the Western Hemisphere. Attention is given to the role that Christianity has had in the formulation of present world civilization and culture. 211, 212 United States History - A, W, Su 5 hours each quarter An analysis of the development of the United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influences that have tended to mold the philosophy and idealogy of our cultural, social, and political development. 215 Black America 5 hours A study of the black man from his enslavement to the present. Key Negro spokesmen will be studied such as Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Ray Wilkens, 'Rev. Martin Luther King, and Stokely Carmichael. (Alternate, even years) 220 A Historical Survey of the Far East - W 3 hours A general survey of the political, social, economic and religious history of China, India, Japan and Southeastern Asia in the twentieth century. 301 Renaissance Europe - A 4 hours A study of the cultural and intellectual movements of Italy and Northern Europe in the period 1300-1600. Emphasis is given to noted artists and scholars and their contribution to the modern world and life view. (Alternate, even years) 302 Reformation Europe - W 4 hours A concentrated investigation of the birth and early growth of Protestantism within the political context of Europe in the period 1500-1650. The role of the major Reformers and their contributions to the development of the Christian faith are emphasized. (Alternate, even years) 303 Early Modern Europe - Sp. 4 hours A political, diplomatic and intellectual study of the period 1648-1815, with special em– phasis upon the conduct of international relations and the growth of the secularistic world and life view. (Alternate, even years) 304 Modern Britain and the Empire-Commonwealth - A 5 hours A study of the development of Great Britain as a world power and the contributions which she has made to the dispersion of libertarian ideals and institutions around the world since the eighteenth century. (Alternate, even years) 306 History of Modem Germany - Sp 4 hours A composite examination of the course of German unification under Prussia and Germany's rise to the status of a great world power. Emphasis is given to nineteenth and twentieth century political and intellectual movements. (Alternate, odd years) 307 Foundations of Modern Russia - A 4 hours A survey of Russian development from early Christian times to the twentieth century with emphasis upon those personalities and movements which made possible the nation's participation in international relations as a great power. (Alternate, odd years) 308 Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century - W 4 hours An in-depth analysis of the Soviet Union and its impact upon the contemporary world. The nature of Russian Communism is examined in detail. (Alternate, odd years) 311 Early American History 5 hours An analysis of the development of American civilization from colonization to 1820. Political, religious, social, economic and cultural institutions will be examined. (Alternate, even years)