1975-1976 Academic Catalog

106 Cedarville College cal. WCDR-FM, a 3600 watt community service station on the campus, gives the student a varied background in the many facets of station operation including on-the-air training. Cedarville graduates have had excellent success in broadcast– ing careers over the past several years. Requirements for a Major in Broadcasting. Seventy quarter hours including the following courses or equivalents: BA252 Human Relations Management .................................................. 4 BA263 Principles of Advertising .............................................................. 4 LL221 Introduction to Journalism ........................................................... 5 SP130 Introduction to Broadcasting ....................................................... 3 SP132 Broadcast An nou nci ng .................................................................. 4 SP230-330 Broadcast Clinic ...............................................................2-12* SP233 Broadcast Programming ................................................................ 4 SP323 Organizational Communication .................................................. 3 SP331 Broadcast Research Systems ......................................................... 3 SP430 Internship in Broadcasting ................................................12-15** SP460B Seminar in Broadcasting ............................................................. 3 SP470E Independent Study in Broadcasting ......................................1-4 SS261 American National Government ................................................. 5 SS262 American State and Local Government..................................... 4 Electives chosen by student and adviser to best prepare to meet his future goals in mass communications. RECOMMENDED PR.OGRAM FOR A MAJOR IN SPEECH OR BROADCASTING The following is a suggested first and second year program for either speech or broad- casting majors. The actual class schedule will be developed by the student and his adviser. Freshman Year Autumn Winter Spring Old Testament Survey, BE 101 5 CAREER New Testament Survey, BE 102 5 OPPORTUNITIES Rhetoric and Composition, LL 120 5 Literature and Composition, LL 130 3 Teacher Man and The Arts, IS 100 5 Fundamentals of Speech, SP 110 5 Minister Voice and Diction, SP 113 3 Biological Science, SM 100 5 Director of Physical Science, SM 160 5 Public Relations Introduction to Broadcasting, SP 130 3 Physical Education - General, PE 101 Personnel Management Physical Education - General, PE 103 Mass Media Evangelism, BE 243 3 Communication Manager 16 16 17 *Students may substitute a course in radio electronics from an accredited scho0I for some of these hours. **Optional at discretion of Adviser and student.