1975-1976 Academic Catalog

22 Cedarville College It is expected that most students will pay cash in advance for all quarter costs - the best and most economical way to take care of college expenses. Student Insurance All full-time students are required to carry the college accident insurance which is part of the Health Service fee. Students who are covered by some hospitalization plan where they work or through some member of their family may waive the hospitalization portion of the college insurance program and thus substantially reduce the Health Service fee. Part-time students, not eligible for the insurance program, must pay a special health service fee if they wish to use the college health services. Withdrawal Refunds If a student withdraws from college before the end of the quarter, refunds on tuition may be granted three days after application for refund has been filed with the Business office. Although applications may be submitted any time after the opening of a given quarter, processing of such applications will not begin until two weeks of the quarter have elapsed. Refunds for withdrawal from school or individual courses are granted on the following basis: First two days of the quarter ............................................ 100% First full calendar week or less ........................................... 90% Second full calendar week or less ..................................... 75% Third full calendar week or less ......................................... 50% Fourth full calendar week or less....................................... 25% Over four full calendar weeks ............................... No Refund The above refund schedule applies to all Science laboratory fees. All other fees are not refundable, except for withdrawal from a course within the first two days of a quarter. Students withdrawing from a course or courses and adding a differing course or courses shall be granted full tuition refunds to apply toward courses added. If the new total hours is less than the original total, the above refund schedule shall apply. Refunds on course withdrawals are determined according to the date the withdrawal forms are filed in the Registrar's office; college withdrawals are effective on the last day of residency. If course offerings are changed by the faculty or administration, the student is entitled to a full refund for that class. No refunds on room rent will be given except for withdrawal because of illness or other reasons beyond the control of the student. Board is refunded on a pro rata basis. Student Aid Many students need assistance in meeting educational costs. Since financial need is one of the factors considered in awarding aid, each single student desiring financial aid in the form of a scholarship or loan, underwritten by the college, must submit a Parent's Confidential Statement through the College Scholarship Service. This form may be secured from a high school guidance counselor or the Student Financial Aid office. Students anticipating financial need should have these forms completed by their parents at least six months