1976-1977 Academic Catalog

Faculty 103 JAMES M. GRIER, M.Div., Assisstant Professor of Philosophy 1969- Th.B., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1957; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary, 1960; Graduate study, Westminster Theological Seminary. WALTER L. GRIFFITH, Ph.D., Professor of Biology 1970- B.S., Michigan State University, 1949; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1953. ROBERT GLENN GROMACKI, Th.D., Professor of Bible and Greek 1960- Th.B., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1956; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1960; Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1966. RONALD M. GROSH, M.A.T., Assistant Professor of English 1968- B.A., Cedarville College, 1967; M.A.T., Kent State University, 1968; Graduate study, Ohio State University, 1968-72, all work except dissertation finished for Ph.D. JOSEPH G. HALSEY, M.Ed., Associate Professor of Political Science 1970- B.A., Morehead State University, 1965; M.Ed., Xavier University, 1969; Graduate study, Uni– versity of Cincinnati, 1970-, all work except dissertation finished for Ph.D. E. DANE HARVEY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physics and Mathematics A.B., Oberlin College, 1948; M.S., Ohio State University, 1970. 1970- LARRY S. HELMICK, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry 1968- B.S., Cedarville College, 1963; Ph.D., Ohio University, 1968; Postdoctoral Research, Univer– sity of Florida, 1974-75 and summers of 1969, 1970, 1971; University of Illinois, summers of 1972, 1973, 1974. MARYALYCE JEREMIAH, Ph.D., Associate Professor Physical Education 1969- B.A., Cedarville College, 1965; B.S., Central State University, 1965; M.A., Ohio State University, 1967; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1973. CLIFFORD W. JOHNSON, D.Ed., Academic Dean 1962- B.Ed., Western Washington State College, 1. 949; M.Ed., Western Washington State College, 1953; D.Ed., University of Washington, 1962. JUNE F. KEARNEY, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education 1962- B.S., Taylor University, 1962; M.Ed., Wittenberg University, 1965; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1973. LAWRENCE N. KILLIAN, M.S., Associate Professor of Biological Science 1968- B.S., Cedarville College, 1964; B.S., Central State University, 1965; M.S., Syracuse University, 1968; Graduate study, Wright State University, 1968-69. ELVIN R. KING, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education 1969- B.S., Kent State University, 1964; M.Ed., Bowling Green State University, 1967. DEAN A. KOOL, M.M.E., Assistant Professor of Music 1974- B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1953; M.M.E., Drake University, 1958; Percussion Student of Edward Metzenger, Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Graduate Study, Northwestern Univer– sity, 1958-60. DAVID L. MATSON, M.A., Associate Professor of Music 1965- B.A., Cedarville College, 1960; Graduate study, State College of Iowa, 1962-63; Voice student of Nicolai Timofeyev, Harold Holst, and Norman Staiger; M.A., Ohio State University, 1968; Graduate study, Ohio State University, 1968-. PHILIP L. McCLURE, M.M., Instructor of Piano 1974- B.M., University of Southern California, 1972; M.M., University of Southern California, 1974.