1976-1977 Academic Catalog

104 Cedarville College CLEVELAND McDONALD, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology 1957- Graduate, Moody Bible Institute, 1945; B.A., James Millikin University, 1948; Graduate study in Linguistics, Oklahoma State University, 1948; M.Litt, University of Pittsburgh, 1956; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1966. JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY, B.S., Instructor of Physical Education 1974 B.S., Cedarville College, 1970; Graduate Work, Wright State University, 1972-74; University of Dayton, 1974-. JAMES E. McGOLDRICK, Ph.D., Professor of History 1973- B.S., Temple University, 1961; M.A., Temple University, 1964; Graduate Study, Dropsie Uni– versity, 1962; St. Joseph's College, 1968; University of Arkansas, 1969; Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1974. RICHARD T. MclNTOSH, Th.M., Associate Professor of Bible 1960- B.A., Bryan College, 1952; B. D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1957; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1961; Graduate study, Grace Theological Seminary, 1970-. ALLEN L. MONROE, Ph.D., Professor of Social Science 1965- B.A., Shelton College, 1957; Graduate study, University of Florida, 1958; M.A., Montclair State College; 1965; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1970. ROBERT C. MONROE, Ph.D., Professor of Music 7972- B.S., Lebanon Valley College, 1958; M.M., University of Miami, 1960; Eastman School of Music, summers of 1964 and 1966; Ph.D., Florida State University, 1970. J. MURRAY MURDOCH, Ph.D., Professor of History 1965- B.Th., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1960; M.A., Northwestern University, 1962; History Faculty Fellow,- Northwestern University, 1963; Ph:D., Northwestern University, 1971. IACK R. PAYNE, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music 1969- Barrington College, 1946-48; Diploma, Baptist Bible Seminary, 1951; B.M., Westminster Choir College, 1953; Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1957-59; M.M., Drake University, 1963; Graduate study, University of Cincinnati, 1970. JAMES R. PHIPPS, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech 1968 B.A., Cedarville College, 1968; M.A., Ohio State University, 1970, Ph.D., Ohio State Uni– versity. MARLIN L. RAYBURN, M.A., Associate Professor of Speech 1971- B.A., Wheaton College, 1947; M.A., Wayne State University, 1960. DONALD W. RICKARD, M.A., Dean of Students 1970- B.A., Central State College, 1963; M.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1968. JACK R. RIGGS, Th.D., Professor of Bible 1967- B.A., Taylor University, 1956; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1959; Th.M., Grace Theologi– cal Seminary, 1963; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1968. WILLIAM R. RITER, M.S., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Accounting 1965- B.S., Cedarville College, 1964; C.P.A., State of Illinois, 1966; M.S., University of Illinois, 1971. JACK H. SCOTT, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology 1970- B.S., University of Florida, 1949; M.S., University of Illinois, 1952; Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1955. KENNETH H. ST. CLAIR, MS., C.P.A., Business Manager 1959- B.S., University of Illinois, 1956; C.P.A., State of Ohio, 1962; M.S., University of Illinois, 1963; Graduate study, University of Nebraska, 1964-65.