1976-1977 Academic Catalog
Business Administration 4 7 305 Fund Accounting - W 4 hours This course deals with the accounting and reporting principles, standards, and procedures applicable to not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: BA 201 (Alternate, even years) B. GENERAL BUSINESS 111 Introduction to Data Processing - W 3 hours Basic principles and procedures of manual, mechanical, and electronic data processing systems. Prerequisite: SM 120 Introduction to Computer Programming 211-212 Quantitative Methods -A, W 4 hours each quarter An introduction to quantitative methods used in business decision making. Topics include probability, sampling, estimation, regression, correlation, and time-series analysis. Prerequisite: SM 120 216 Business Communications -Sp 3 hours A preparation for the skill of originating all types of business letters, reports, memoranda, and other media of communication. 311 Business Law - A 5 hours A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employer-employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, insurance, and property. 314 Business Finance - Sp 4 hours A survey of the financial aspects of private, profit-seeking corporation. Consideration is given to the problems of promotion, normal operation, and reorganization. Prerequisite: Accounting 102 C. ECONOMICS 131 Consumer Economics - Sp 4 hours The position of the consumer in the marketplace; practices in consumer efficiency in planning, buying, using schedules, budgeting, bank accounts, charge accounts, installment buying, borrowing, saving, insurance, income tax preparation and maintenance and conservation of consumer goods will be emphasized. Special attention is given to housing, the automobile, medical and legal services, leisure pursuits, government services, and other major consumer purchases. 231, 232 Principles of Economics - W, Sp 5 hours each quarter A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in understanding our free enterprise system. An emphasis on such economic concepts as production, consumption, exchange, and price distribution. 331 Money and Banking - Sp 4 hours A study of the principles of money, credit, and banking; and the operation of the banking system. Prerequisite: BA 232 (Alternate, even years) 334 History of Economic Thought 4 hours Principal figures in the development of economic ideas and the contribution of each period of economic thought from the mercantilist to the present. Prerequisite: BA 232 335 Comparative Economics Systems 4 hours A survey and comparative analysis of the economic institutions of Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, and Communism with individual research into the economic system of one county. Prerequisite: BA 232 D. MANAGEMENT 251 Principles of Organization and Management-A 4 hours An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems involved in the manage– ment and organization of business concerns. 252 Human Relations Management - A 4 hours A course dealing with organizational behavior. Focused on leadership and the manager's role in developing a sound behavioral climate in an organization.
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