1976-1977 Academic Catalog

68 Cedarville College 332 Music History - Romantic - W, Su 3 hours A study of the music of the Romantic period from Beethoven to Impressionism. Prerequisite: MU 111-112-113 333 Music History - Modern - Sp 3 hours A study of modern music from Impressionism to the present. Prerequisite: MU 211-212- 213 and MU 332 334 Choral literature - A 4 hours A survey of choral music from the Renaissance to the present. Prerequisite: MU 211-212- 213 (Alternate, even years) 335 Symphonic Literature - W 4 hours A survey of orchestral music from the classic period to the present. Prerequisite: MU 311 or permission of the instructor (Alternate, odd years) COURSES IN CHURCH MUSIC 253 Song Leading - Sp 3 hours An elementary course in the mechanics of conducting hymns, a study of the duties of a song leader in organizing a service, and an evaluation of Protestant church music. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor (Alternate, odd years) 256 Hymnology - Sp 3 hours An historical survey of Christian hymnody; consideration of criteria for judging texts and tunes with regard to artistic quality and worship suitability. Prerequisite: Permission of the In- structor (Alternate, even years) 352 Organization and Administration of Church Music - W 3 hours Problems and practices of church music directors, and the organization of church music activities including the graded church choir program. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. Prerequisite: MU 100 or a passing grade on the Music Proficiency Abstract or permission of instructor (Alternate, even years) COURSES IN MUSIC EDUCATION 187 Brass Methods - A 2 hours Trumpet concentration, also french horn, trombone, and tuba methods. 191 Woodwind Methods -A Clarinet concentration, also flute, oboe, and bassoon methods. 193 String Methods - Sp Violin concentration and viola, cello, and bass methods. 194 Percussion Methods - A (Alternate, odd years) 2 hours (Alternate, even years) 2 hours (Alternate, odd years) 2 hours Snare drum concentration, also tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Alternate, even years) 370 Music for Elementary Teachers -A, W, Sp, Su 4 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program 372 Music for Secondary Teachers - W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for instruc– tion. Prerequisite: MU 370 373 Vocal Methods - W 5 hours Philosophy, objectives and techniques of the choral program in the elementary and secondary schools with emphasis on vocal production, rehearsal procedures, repertorie, rote techniques, organization, etc. Prerequisite: One year of Applied Voice