1976-1977 Academic Catalog

Music 69 374 The General Music Teacher -A 4 hours Philosophy, learning processes, organizational problems, and practical experience in coordinating and teaching general music throughout the school system, with emphasis on Junior High. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor (Alternate, odd years) 377 The Instrumental Teacher -A 5 hours Philosophy, learning, processes, organizational problems, and practical experience in instru– mental teaching throughout the school system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor (Alternate, even years) MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC COURSES 260 Beginning Conducting -A 3 hours The basic technique of the baton; fundamentals of score reading; conducting patterns applied to elements of interpretation, tone, balance and diction. Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance on music placement abstract or MU 100 (Alternate, odd years) 362 Advanced Instrumental Conducting- W 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of instrumental literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Pre- requisite: MU 260 (Alternate, even years) 363 Advanced Vocal Conducting- Sp 3hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of choral literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: MU 260 (Alternate, odd years) 366 Pedagory - Sp 3 hours Pedagory in voice, piano or other major instrument. (Alternate even years) 400 Music Seminar 2-5 hours Various topics to be offered as interest may demand. Intended for majors in music. Some typical topics: (a) 16th Century counterpoint, (b) Ethnomusicology, (c) performance practices. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department 401 Independent Study in Music - A, W, Sp 1-4 hours Research or independent study. Registration may be repeated. Prerequisite: Permission of Music Department A - Theory and Composition B - History and Literature C - Church Music D - Music Education E- Applied Music COURSES IN APPLIED MUSIC Private instruction for credit in piano, voice, and orchestral and band instruments is available to all music majors. Students other than music majors will need special approval from the music department. Private instruction for credit on any instru– ment for which a resident college teacher is not available may be arranged, for all music majors, with qualified off-campus teachers approved by the music department. The department will assist in scheduling private instruction off campus. All students studying privately, whether music majors or not, are required to attend all recitals. Credit in applied music study is based on a minimum of one hour of daily practice and one-half hour lesson per week for one hour of credit. Original registration is by satisfactorily passing an entrance audition. Continued registration is based upon satis– factory progress determined each quarter by the music faculty at the time of applied music jury examinations. Students on academic warning may be denied applied music lessons. A freshman must be enrolled in some additional course or performing