1977-1978 Academic Catalog

134 Cedarville College Honors, Graduation ................ 45 Publications, Student ............... 19 Housing for Students .............. 22 Purpose ............................. 7 Incomplete ......................... 43 Quarter Hours ..................... 48 Independent Study ................. 12 Radio Station ...................... 22 Insurance, Student ................. 32 Readmission ....................... 27 Intercollegiate Sports ............... 22 Recognition ......................... 8 Interdisciplinary Studies ...' ....... 115 Refunds, Withdrawal ............... 32 Intramural Sports .................. 21 Registration ........................ 40 Language and Literature ........... 73 Religion and Philosophy ........... 51 Languages, Biblical ................ 54 Requirements, Degree .............. 39 Library ............................. 24 Requirements, General Education ... 47 Literature and Language ........... 73 Reserve Officer Training Corps ..... 14 Living Expenses .................... 31 Resident Hall Supervisors ........ 119 Load, Academic .................... 42 Returning Students ................. 27 Loans, Bank ....................... 36 Room Expenses .................... 31 Loans, National Direct Students .... 36 Schedule Changes ................. 43 Location ........................... 25 Scholarships ....................... 34 Mailing ........................... 120 Scholastic Aptitude Tests .......... 27 Maintenance Department ......... 120 Science and Mathematics .......... 91 Major Field ........................ 40 Science, Biological ................. 95 Major Fields of Study ............... 8 Science, Physical .................. 97 Management ....................... 60 Secondary Education Program ..... 62 Marketing .......................... 60 Secretaries, Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Mathematics .................... 91,98 Servicemen's Benefits .............. 29 Medical Technology ................ 93 Sessions and Credits ............... 40 Middle School Program ............ 62 Social and Cultural Activities ....... 21 Minor Field ........................ 40 Social Science .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 101 Miracle ............................. 19 Spanish ............................ 76 Missionary Internship Service ....... 19 Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Music .............................. 79 Special Programs of Study ......... 11 Music, Applied ..................... 84 Special Students ................... 41 Music, Church ..................... 82 Speech .......................... 109 Music, Education ................... 83 Sports ............................. 22 Music, History ..................... 82 Staff ............................. 118 Music, Private Instruction .......... 84 Standards of Conduct .......... 17, 127 Music, Theory ...................... 81 Statistical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Musical Organizations .............. 19 Student Activities .................. 21 National Direct Student Loans ...... 36 Student Aid ........................ 33 New Student Orientation ........... 17 Student Employment ............... 36 Newspaper ......................... 19 Student Insurance .................. 32 Nurse ............................ 120 Student Loans ..................... 36 Organizations ...................... 21 Student Organizations .............. 21 Orientation, New Students .......... 17 Student Personnel Services . . . . . . . 119 Part-time Students ................. 41 Student Publications ............... 19 Payment Plans ..................... 32 Student Senate ..................... 20 Philosophy ......................... 51 Study Abroad Program ............. 14 Physical Education and Health ..... 67 Summer School .................... 30 Physical Plant .................... 120 Supervisors, Resident Hall ........ 119 Physical Science ................... 97 Suspension, Academic ............. 44 Political Science ................. 107 Teacher Certification ............... 61 Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Teacher Education Program ........ 61 Practical Theology ................. 53 Technical and Business ............ 15 Pre-Dental ......................... 11 Testing Out Procedure ............. 15 Pre-Law ........................ 12, 102 Textbooks and Supplies ............ 32 Pre-Medical ........................ 11 Theology ........................... 53 Pre-Pharmacy ................... 13,93 Transfer Students .................. 28 Probation, Academic ............... 44 Transfer Students, Bible College ... 29 Psychology ........................ 87 Trophies ........................... 45