1977-1978 Academic Catalog
Music 83 COURSES IN MUSIC EDUCATION 187 Brass Methods - A 2 hours Trumpet concentration, also trench horn, trombone, and tuba methods. (Alternate, odd years) 191 Woodwind Methods - A 2 hours Clarinet concentration, also flute, oboe, and bassoon methods. (Alternate, even years) 193 String Methods - Sp 2 hours Violin concentration and viola, cello, and bass methods. (Alternate, odd years) 194 Percussion Methods - A 2 hours Snare drum concentration, also tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Alternate, even years) 370 Music for Elementary Teachers - A, W, Sp, Su 4 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. 372 Music for Secondary Teachers - W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in large and small groups; sources of materials for instruction. Prerequisite: MU 370. 373 Vocal Methods - W Philosophy, objectives and techniques of offering with emphasis on vocal production, pedagogical program building. 5 hours vocal instruction at all levels approaches, repertoire, and 374 The General Music Teacher - A 4 hours Philosophy, learning processes, organizational problems, and practical experience in coordinating and teaching general music throughout the school system, with emphasis on Junior High. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Alternate, odd years) 377 The Instrumental Teacher - A 5 hours Philosophy, learning, processes, organizational problems, and practical ex– perience in instrumental teaching throughout the school system. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Alternate, even years) MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC COURSES 260 Beginning Conducting - A 3 hours The basic technique of the baton; fundamentals of score reading; conducting patterns applied to elements of interpretation, tone, balance and diction. Prereq– uisite: Satisfactory performance on music placement abstract or MU 100. 362 Advanced Instrumental Conducting - W 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of instrumental literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: MU 260. 363 Advanced Vocal Conducting - Sp 3 hours Development of ability to interpret the larger forms of choral literature and to read from full score. Laboratory experience in conducting college ensembles. For majors only. Prerequisite: MU 260. 366 Pedagogy - Sp 3 hours Pedagogy in voice, piano or other major instrument. (Alternate, even years) 400 Music Seminar 2c5 hours Various topics to be offered as interest may demand. Intended for majors in music. Some typical topics: (a) 16th Century counterpoint, (b) Ethnomusicology, (c) performance practices. Prerequisite: Permission of the Music Department.
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