1978-1979 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College I Autumn Quarter 1977 Wyoming 2 3 Washington D.C. 1 2 BY CLASS AND MEN AND OTHERS-U.S. Citizens Living in WOMEN Other Countries Men Women Totals Central African Republic-Dave Wills Freshmen 178 204 382 Italy-Daniel Standridge and David Stan- Sophomores 139 152 291 dridge Juniors 119 113 232 Japan-Martin Shaw Seniors 124 131 255 Hong Kong, Japan-Deborah Reid Part-Time Students 31 16 47 Puerto Rico-Tomas Ruiz Special Classification 19 24 43 West Indies-Susan Felty GRAND TOTALS 610 640 1,250 West Germany-Donald Moses BY STATE AND MEN AND BY NATIONALITY WOMEN Canada-John Cavey, Paul Cripps, Marilyn Horne, Susan (Scott) Smith, Rachel Scott Alaska 2 3 Australia-Paul Edwards Arizona 1 0 1 Japan-lnudo Yasuki California 3 2 5 Liberia-Joy Yhap Colorado 3 3 6 Connecticut 0 6 6 BY MAJOR MEN AND WOMEN Delaware 3 2 5 Florida 9 6 15 MAJOR MEN WOMEN TOTAL Behavioral Science 10 (2) 31 (3) 41 (5) Georgia 2 0 2 Biblical Education 119 (8) 23 (1) 142 (9) Idaho 0 2 2 Biology 37 (3) 28 (2) 65 (5) Illinois 29 41 70 Broadcasting 22 (1) 26 (1) Busmess Administration 123 (6) 38 (1) 161 (7) Indiana 45 54 99 Chemistry 19 (6) 11 (1) 30 (7) Iowa 18 23 41 Elemenlary Education 15 160 (3) 175 (3) l<ansas 9 3 12 English 13 34 (4) 47 (4) Kentucky 3 7 10 H1slory 13 (4) 3 (3) 16 (7) lnterd1sc1pl1nary Studies 5 2 (1) 7 (1) Maine 4 6 10 Malhemal1cs 24 (6) 11 (1) 35 (7) Maryland 8 10 18 Medical Technology 0 9 (3) 9 (3) Massachusetts 2 5 7 Music 29 (2) 32 (2) 61 (4) Physical Educa11on 37 (3) 52 89 (3) Michigan 40 43 83 Pol1t1cal Science (2) 5 (1) 12 (3) Minnesota 3 1 4 Psychology 18 (5) 33 (7) 51 (12) Missouri 3 2 5 Social Science 16 8 (3) 24 (3) Montana 1 0 1 Speech 16 (2) 21 (2) 37 (4) Pre-Nursing 0 7 Nebraska 0 1 1 Occupal1onal Therapy 0 New Hampshire 2 2 4 Physical Therapy 1 0 New Jersey 27 15 42 Pre-Dental 0 New York 43 64 107 Pre-Engineering Physics 0 (1) 0 (I) North Carolina 0 1 1 Speech Palhology 0 North Dakota 0 2 2 Pre-Law (1) 7 (1) Ohio 250 266 516 Civil Engineering 0 1 Pre-Medical 5 (2) 2 (2) Pennsylvania 44 41 85 Foreign Language 0 South Dakota 2 3 5 Special Educal1on 0 Tennessee 1 0 1 No Spec1f1cat1on 46 95 141 Double Ma1ors 27 19 46 Texas 0 4 4 Vermont 1 1 2 BY AGE AND MEN AND WOMEN Virginia 3 9 12 Washington 4 2 6 Men Women Total West Virginia 10 9 19 16 years 0 1 1 Wisconsin 10 7 17 17 13 29 42