1978-1979 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College The Christian Service Committee, made up of both faculty and students, works with the Director in defining the types of activities as well as establishing guidelines for the entire Christian Service program. Missionary Internship Service The primary objective of MIS is to give those interested in missions a short term exposure to mission life. Such an exposure, however, is intended not only for the benefit of visiting a mission field, but also for the purpose of being of service in the missionary outreach. Objectives: 1. To give opportunities of missionary service to interested and burdened fac– ulty, alumni, and students and provide a spiritually meaningful and fruitful experi– ence to each intern. 2. To provide an organized contact with missionaries and mission boards; to as– sist each intern to understand missions and related work. 3. To provide leadership in setting up and controlling missionary internships. 4. To add a universal dimension to the educational process of Cedarville College; to create within the individual a burden for lost souls throughout the world. 5. To provide Christian service outlets for the College Fellowship and world mis– sion organization. 6. To further develop the skills needed in reaching the lost for Christ. 7. To provide assistance to missionaries during short-term service. Student Publications Students have the primary responsibility for the publication of the college year– book, The Miracle, and the college newspaper, Whispering Cedars. A faculty– student committee provides direction and advice. Students interested in staff posi– tions may apply to the editors. Community Service From time to time, Cedarville College students participate in community service projects. For example, Alpha Chi, a student organization for men, serves the col– lege with ambulance service and the community with disaster relief. They maintain a Red Cross Disaster Van, given to them by the American National Red Cross. All squad members receive standard and advanced first aid training which prepares them for their duties on the squad. Counseling Services The administration, faculty, and student personnel staff members enjoy a unique personal relationship with individual students and experience meaningful counsel– ing relationships with them. The Counseling Service provides personal assistance in a wide range of non– academic areas in order to facilitate educational and personal development. The goal of the Counseling Service is to aid individual members of the college commu– nity in making their college experience as enriching and meaningful as possible by offering assistance in their discovery of and conformity to God's will for their lives. Musical Organization Students with musical talents have many opportunities to participate in college musical programs, gospel teams, Concert Choir, Choralaires, Symphonic Band,