1978-1979 Academic Catalog
Dear Friend As you read this catalog you will become ac– quainted with the program of Christian liberal arts education offered by Cedarville College. Hopefully, you will have an opportunity to visit the campus. You will observe that Cedarville Col– lege is a Christian college with Christian stu- dents, professors, and staff members interested in seeing that biblical truth is integrated into the curriculum and emphasized in every other area of the student's life. It is our belief that a Christian college must be founded on and be controlled by sound Scrip– tural convictions. We believe that standards for trustees, faculty, and students should be uncom– promisingly in harmony with God's Word. In keeping with this principle, Cedarville college willingly submits to the authenticity and teaching of the Bible. As you consider the possibility of becoming a Cedarville College student, it is im– perative that you sincerely consider these stand– ards to determine whether or not you will be happy in this type of environment. Evidence of God's approval of and His bless– ing upon the college holding these convictions is seen in the growth and influence of Cedarville College during the past twenty-five years. We have seen the enrollment increase from 100 students to over 1200. The college has been approved by the state of Ohio for teacher education and has already pre– pared many teachers who have been certified to teach in the public and Christian schools. We have been granted regional accreditation by the North Central Asso– ciation of Colleges and Schools. Cedarville College has academic excellence as one of its important goals. In of– fering an education to young people entrusted to us, we seek to provide instruction equal or superior to that found in the secular colleges of the day. Many of our graduates have gone directly from graduation to areas of service and have been highly successful. Others have extended their academic program and have com– pleted work in many graduate schools and theological seminaries. We are encour– aged that Cedarville College has had a vital part in these successes. Cedarville College is a Baptist college supported by Bible-believing churches for the benefit of all Christian young people, regardless of denominational affiliation. Our students and graduates are encouraged to serve enthusiastically in the local churches. We desire to have a part in assisting committed young people to achieve worthwhile goals in life. If we can be of help to you we shall be very grate– ful. Sincerely in Christ, Dr. James T. Jeremiah
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