1978-1979 Academic Catalog

Music Professors: Charles L. Ellington Associate Professors: David L. Matson, Chairman Assistant Professors: Lyle J. Anderson, Dean A Kool, Philip L. McClure, Charles Pagnard, Karl N. Stahl Purposes This department seeks to glorify God through the development of the whole man, (spiritually, academically, artistically, socially); to develop in the evangelical Christian a better appreciation and understanding of God's creation which most definitely includes all of the arts (musical, visual, literary and dramatic); to provide a variety of musical experiences with emphasis on the study and performance of selected musical literature representative of a wide range of periods, styles, nation– ality, forms, composers and media; to help students to discover and develop apti– tude and to encourage them in further study; to increase the students understand– ing of the art of music and its place in contemporary life. General Requirements Applicants for the music programs will follow the standard application procedure for the college, but will be admitted to the music programs only by audition. Audi– tions may be made by tape and submitted to the music department, preferably in the spring, or personal auditions may be held on the campus by special appoint– ment. All students wishing to enroll in any of the various programs offered by the music department must take the Music Placement Abstract to complete registration. This is administered during college week in the fall. All majors must meet the requirements established by the department for Sopho– more level performance proficiency in the recital area in order to continue in the music program. This review will be held at the end of the spring quarter of the Sophomore year. All majors will be required to meet before a committee comprised of music fac– ulty members during the spring quarter of the Junior year. This junior seminar will require the individual to exhibit satisfactory knowledge of content within his disci– pline. All majors and minors must meet the proficiency standards for piano as estab– lished by the department. This proficiency is to be exhibited prior to the student's senior recital.("') All majors are required to exhibit a performance level which meets the require– ments and standards of the department. This will be accomplished through a re– cital given during the individual's Senior year. Scholarships Limited scholarships or work grants are available for those needing financial aid. Requests for applications and information should be submitted to the Director of Financial Aid, Cedarville College. (")Piano proficiency standards may be obtained by writing to the Department of Music.