1978-1979 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College Professors: James E. McGoldrick, Allen L. Monroe, J. Murray Murdoch, Chairman Associate Professor: Joseph G. Halsey Part-time Faculty: Patricia Bates, Bernice Bowersox, David Haffey The Department of Social Science is comprised of A) History, B) Sociology, C) Geography, D) Political Science. This Department seeks to present to the student the origin and development of ideas and institutions; to aid the student in gaining a better perspective of the facts of history, the functions of government, and the nature of society; to acquaint the student with a practical appreciation of the methods and tools of original research projects; to provide the student with an opportunity to formulate and express the results of investigation and study; and to aid the student in developing a Christian world-and-life view through the integration of biblical principles with the subject matter of the academic discipline. Requirements for a Major in Social Science. Seventy quarter hours, includ- ing: 100 Foundations of Social Science .......................................................5 101, 102, 103 History of Civilization ......................................................9 111,112 United States History ............................................................ 10 230 Principles of Sociology ................................................................. .4 261 American National Government .....................................................5 231, 232 Principles of Economics ....................................................... 10 251 World Regional Geography-Western Hemisphere ..........................5 252 World Regional Geography-Eastern Hemisphere ...........................5 Additional hours must be taken in one of the following areas of concentration: a. History: complete seventeen quarter hours including History Seminar 400 b. Sociology: complete seventeen quarter hours. c. Political Science: complete seventeen quarter hours including Methods of research in Political Science 260. Requirements for a Major in History. Forty-eight quarter hours, including: 101, 102, 103 History of Civilization .............................................................9 111, 112 United States History ...................................................................10 400 Seminar in History .................................................................................5 Elective hours in History including one non-western course .........................21 Requirements for a Major in Behavioral Science. A major designed for stu– dents interested in individual and group behavior. This area is recommended for students who desire to work with people in the various settings offered by the fields of psychology and social work. See requirements for the Behavioral Science Major under the Department of Psychology. Requirements for a Major in History and Political Science. Seventy quarter hours, including: 101, 102, 103 History of Civilization ......................................................9 111, 112 United States History............................................................ 10 220 History of the Far East. ...................................................................3 'IS213, American Minorities, and Economics 334, History of Economic Thought, are acceptable as His– tory electives.