1978-1979 Academic Catalog
Social Science B. SOCIOLOGY 230 Principles ol Sociology - A 4 hours An introduction to the concepts of sociology. The structure and processes of social life are studied. 240 Marriage and the Family - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours A study of the scientific knowledge which exists about mate selection, the courtship proc– ess, and the adjustment problems of marriage. 332 Criminology - W 4 hours A study of the nature and causes of crime with emphasis upon methods of prevention and treatment. Prerequisite: Sociology 230. 333 Social Stratification - Sp 4 hours A study of the class structure and its implications for American society. Prerequisite: Soci– ology 230. 431 Introduction to Social Work - A 3 hours A survey study of the nature and function of social work as related to individuals, groups, and communities. Prerequisite: Sociology 230. 432 Social Casework - W 5 hours An introduction to the general principles and methods of social casework used by social workers in various types of agencies and organizations. Prerequisite: Sociology 431. 440 Seminar in Sociology - Sp 5 hours A study of sources and methods of sociological research. Each student will prepare a for– mal monograph. C.GEOGRAPHY 251 World Regional Geography-Western Hemisphere - F 5 hourn A survey of various regions in the Western world with an emphasis on the cultural, eco– nomic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. 252 World Rogicinal Geography-Eastern Hemisphere - W 5 hourn A survey of various regions in the Eastern world with an emphasis on the cultural, eco- nomic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. (Alternate, even years) D. POLITICAL SCIENCE 160 Introduction to Political Science - A 5 hourn This introductory course focuses on the nature, significance, and function of politics and political systems. Questions concerning why people engage in politics, what people in poli– tics do, and the relationship between the individual and the political system will be consid– ered. 260 Methods of RHearch in Political Science - Sp 5 hours This course is designed to acquaint the student with political science methodology. Atten– tion will be given to the scope and methods of field research, questionnaire design and the scientific method applied to political phenomena. Techniques for collecting data, elementary statistical procedures, and interpretation of research findings will be included. (Alternate, even years) 261 American National Government-A 5 hours An introductory study of the development and structure of the Constitution and the opera– tion of our national political institutions. 262 American State and local Government - W 4 hours The organization and function of states and their political subdivisions form the basis of study in this course. 266 International Relations - Sp 5 hourn Contemporary world affairs surveyed in relationships to the struggle for power within the nation-state system. Divisive and cohensive factors among nations will be stressed.
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