1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Science and Mathematics 1 duction systems. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Biology 100 or equivalent 235 Plant Anatomy - W 5 hours Plant cells, tissues and organs will be studied in detail. Attention will be given to microtech– nique involving the killing, fixing, embedding, sectioning, staining and mounting of tissues. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Prerequisite: Biology 134 (Alternate, odd years) 236 Taxonomy of Seed Pllllnta - Sp 5 hours The study includes the classification of the flowering plant with some time given to the his– tory of classification and the various systems by which the angiosperms have been cata– logued. A collection of plants will be made by each student. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Prerequisite: Biology 134 (Alternate, even years) 238 Introductory Microbiology - Sp 5 hours A study of plant microorganisms and viruses and their relationship to man's economy and hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Three lectures and three 2-hour laboratories each week. Prerequisite: Biology 104, Chem– istry 151 300 Methods of Teaching Biology 3 hours A study of principles, methods, and techniques of teaching biology including the function of lectures, field trips, demonstrations and laboratory work along with the selection of sup– plies, equipment and facilities. Prerequisite: SM115 and SM134, and admission to the teacher education program or permission of the instructor. 303 Introduction to Ecology - Sp 5 hours A study of the inter-relations of plant and animal life and their environments. Frequent field trips will be taken. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: Biology 115 or 134 (Alternate, odd years) 306 Genetics - W 5 hours A study of the principles of heredity, and their application to plant, animal and human life. Three lectures ·and two three-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: Biology 104, Math– ematics 184 400 lndepem:ient Study in Biology 1-4 hours Independent experimental study involving a particular biological phenomenon. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: Major in Biology and permission of advisor. 436 Fladillltion Biology - Sp 5 hours The effects of ionizing radiation on biological systems and methods of using radioisotopes are presented. Introductory material on radiation physics and dosimetry will be included. The laboratory exercises will introduce the student to basic instrumentation and techniques in the safe handling of radioisotopes. The course may be applied to either a biology or a chemistry major. Three lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 1 year of chemistry, 1 course in Biology, 1 course in Mathematics (Alternate, odd years) B. PHYSICAL SCIENCE 151-152 General Chemistry-A, W 4 hours each quarter A study of the fundamental facts and principles of chemistry. Quantitative techniques are stressed in the laboratory. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. 153 Qualitative Anllllysis - Sp 4 hours A study of the theory and practice of identification of inorganic anions and cations. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 152.