1979-1980 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College 160 Introduction to the Physic11I Sciences - A, Sp, Su 5 hours A descriptive survey of the sciences of astronomy, geology, and meterology with some consideration given to the historical background of these disciplines. The course is designed for non-science majors to meet general education requirements. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. 161 Introduction to the Phy11ic11I Sciences - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours An introductory study of the sciences of physics, chemistry and space science, with em– phasis on basic concepts and principles as well as the development of foundational laws per– taining to these disciplines. The course is designed for the non-sci.ence major as a general education requirement and cannot be applied to a science major or minor. Four lectures and one 2-hour lab or five lectures per week. 166 Introduction to Physical Geology - Sp, Su 5 hours An introductory study of the earth and its environment, with emphasis on erosion proc– esses, metamorphism, igneous activity and the structural features of the earth's crust and ge– ologic time. Four lectures each week, laboratory by arrangement. Prerequisite: High School geometry. 254 Quantitative Analysis - A 4 hours A study of the theory, techniques and calculations involved in gravimetric and volumetric analysis of inorganic substances. Two lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 152 (Alternate, even years) 255 An11lytical Chemistry - W 4 hours A continuation of Quantitative Analysis, with emphasis on instrumental analysis. Two lectures and two 3-hour laboratories each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 254 (Alternate, even years) 257-258-259 Organic Chemistry 4 hours winter quarter 5 hours autumn and spring quarters A detailed study of the general principles, aliphatics, aromatics, natural products, etc. Em– phasis is placed on mechanisms. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 152 264 Introductory Astronomy -A, Su 5 hours An introductory study designed to have a general knowledge of concepts, principles and laws pertaining to a God-created universe, with some emphasis on techniques used to obtain this knowledge. Four lectures each week, laboratory by arrangement including field observations at college observatory. Prerequisite: High School geometry or permission of instructor. 271-272-273 General Physics 5 hours each quarter Basic concepts of mechanics, heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism and modern phys– ics. Four lectures and one 2-hour laboratory each week. co or Prerequisite: Mathematics 281 276 Electricity·and Magnetism 5 hours Basic concepts of electricity and magnetism, AC and DC circuits, electromagnetism, basic electronic circuits. Prerequisite: Physics 272 (Alternate, odd years) 356 Biochemistry - Sp 5 hours A study of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleoproteins and their relationship to life and metabolic processes. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 257 (Alternate, even years) 378-379 Modern Physics 5 hours each quarter An extension of basic concepts of Modern Physics learned in General Physics. Topics cov– ered include: structure of matter, electricity and light, kinetic theory, x-rays, nuclear reac– tions, atomic and nuclear structure, radioactivity. Prerequisite: Physics 273 (Alternate, even years) 450 Independent Study in Chemistry 1-4 hours Independent experimental study of some chemical phenomenon.