1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Science and Mathematics 1 451-452-453 Physical Chemi11try 4 houni autumn amt winter quarteni 3 hours spring quarter A study of the properties of chemical systems, including the fundamentals of thermody– namics, chemical dynamics and quantum mechanics. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 254 co or Prerequisite: Physics 273 (Alternate, odd years) C. MATHEMATICS HIO Introduction to Mathematic11 - A 5 hours An introduction to mathematical concepts selected from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, scientific notation, graphical representation of data, the metric system and other mathematical systems. The course satisfies general education requirements. 184-185 Introduction to Analysis- W, Sp 5 hours each quarter A general introduction to modern methods of analysis, including topics from algebra and trigonometry. The course is designed for students with inadequate preparation for calculus. Prerequisite: Two years high school mathematics or permission of instructor. · 281-282-283 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 5 hours each quarter An integrated course of the basic concepts of analytic geometry and the calculus. Includes theory of limits, derivatives, integrals, conic sections, solid analytic geometry, partial deriva– tives, multiple integrals, infinite series, differential equation. Prerequisite: Mathematics 184 and 185 or equivalent. 384 Probability and Statiatica - A 5 hours Probability, binomial, normal, t-, chi square and F- distributions, regression and analysis of variance will be studied from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Prerequisite: Mathematics 282. 387 Differential Equations 5 hours A study of the standard techniques employed in the solution of differential equations with emphasis on those arising from physical problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 283. 388-389 Advanced Calculus 5 hours Topics in differential calculus, functions and series. Includes partial differential equations and Fourier Series. Prerequisite: Mathematics 283 (Alternate, odd years) 394 Linear Algebra - A 5 hours The course is an introduction to the algebra of linear equations, including determinants, matrices, vector spaces, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, and linear mapping. Prerequisite: Mathematics 283 (Alternate, even years) 396 Modern Algebra - Sp 5 hours Sets and logic are introduced, and the development of algebraic systems, groups, rings, integral domains and fields are studied. Prerequisite: Mathematics 282 (Alternate, even years) 480 Topics in Mathematics 2-5 hours Various topics to be offered as interest may demand. Intended for majors in mathematics. Permission of instructor required. Some typical topics: (a) Matrix Algebra, (b) Vector Analy– sis, (c) Numerical Analysis, (d) Introduction to Computer Programming, and (e) Partial Differ– ential Equations. 490 Independent Study in Mathematics 1-4 hours An opportunity to perform independent research in the various branches of mathematics and allied fields of application. Submission and approval of a research proposal must pre– cede registration. Prerequisite: Major in mathematics and permission of research advisor.