1979-1980 Academic Catalog

1 Cedarville College Requirements for a Minor in Sociology. Twenty-four quarter hours, including Sociology 230; twenty hours of electives in Sociology. Requirements for a Minor in Political Science. Twenty-four quarter hours, in– cluding SS 261, American National Government, and SS 262, American State and Local Government; fifteen hours of electives in Political Science. Premlaw Major Few, if any, law schools prescribe a specific undergraduate curriculum. Law schools seek those applicants with: (a) a basic understanding of the institutional structures of our society and the values and thought that mold legal processes; (b) a capacity to comprehend, reason and analyze; (c) the ability to express thoughts, persuasively and with clarity, by the written and spoken work. Because the practice of law generally deals with a broad spectrum of society, law schools prefer a rather broad selection of courses from a number of major ar– eas including political science, history, philosophy, psychology, speech, English and Business. With few exceptions, most law schools admit only those with a Bachelor's de– gree. Selection of those admitted is based upon the student's cummulative aca– demic grade point and the result of the law school aptitude test (LSAT)-often with heavy emphasis on the latter. The development of a student's abilities of analysis and communication during his undergraduate study is the best-if not the only– preparation for the LSAT. All pre-law majors are strongly urged to have a second major. I. REQUIRED COURSES THAT MAY SATISFY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Hours BE333 - Christian Evidences .........................................................................3 BE220 - Introduction to Philosophy ...............................................................5 LL231 -World Literature ...............................................................................5 SS100 - Foundations of Social Science .........................................................5 SS101, 102, 103-HistoryofCivilization ........................................................9 27 II. REQUIRED FOR PRE-LAW MAJOR: SS111 , 112 - U.S. History ............................................................................10 SS260 - Methods of Research in Political Science .........................................5 SS261 -American National Government .......................................................5 SS262 - American State & Local Government ...............................................4 SS463 - American Constitutional Law .......................................................... .4 SS366- Public Law .......................................................................................3 BA101, 102 - Principles of Accounting ........................................................10 PY160- General Psychology ........................................................................5 SP322- Persuasive Communication .............................................................5 BE321 - Logic ...............................................................................................5 56 Ill. ADDITIONAL HOURS MUST BE SELECTED AS FOLLOWS: A. Two of the following courses: LL221 - Introduction to Journalism ...........................................................5 or LL222 - Introduction to Mass Media .........................................................5 LL305- English Language ........................................................................5