1979-1980 Academic Catalog

Social Science 1 LL307 - Modern Grammar ........................................................................5 SP323 - Organizational Communication ...................................................3 LL242 - Major British Writers .................................................................... 5 SP212 -Argumentation & Debate ............................................................. 5 8-10 B. Two of the following courses: BA231 - Principles of Economics.............................................................. 5 SS230 - Sociology ....................................................................................4 SS332- Criminology ................................................................................4 SS363 - Legislative Process .................................................................... .4 SS461 - Political Dynamics .......................................................................3 SS 468- History of Political Thought .........................................................3 DEPARTMENTAL 6-9 Total Hours Required 97-102 100 Foundations of Social Science - A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours This course is designed to provide the student with a knowledge of some of the basic con– cepts in sociology, economics, and political science. Required of all students for general ed– ucation. 490 Independent Study in Social Science 1-4 hours Prerequisite: Permission of the Instructor. A. History B. Sociology C. Geography D. Political Science 499 Social Science Internship Majors who participate in government service, historical research, social work, or other ap– proved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 15 hours credit. The approval of the Department is necessary for any proposed internship. A. HISTORY 101, 102, 103 History of Civilization - A, W, Sp 3 hours each quarter A study of Western Civilization. Emphasis is placed on the development of the religious, so– cial, political, economic, and intellectual forces that influenced the formation of the present European states and the role these states have had in the colonization and development of the Western Hemisphere. Attention is given to the role that Christianity has had in the formu– lation of present world civilization and culture. 111, 112, 113 United States History A, W, Sp, Su 5 hours each quarter An analysis of the development of the United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influences that have tended to mold the philoso– phy and ideology of our cultural, social, and political development. 200 Introduction to Hh11toriography - Sp 4 hours An introduction to the history of historical writing, methods of research and the philosophy of history. Required of history majors and minors. Should be taken in the sophomore year. 204 Modern Britain and the IEmpiriB-Commonwealth A 5 hours A study of the development of Great Britain as a world power and the contributions which she has made to the dispersion of libertarian ideals and institutions around the world since the eighteenth century. (Alternate, even years) 206 History of Mod1nn Germany A 4 hours A composite examination of the course of German unification under Prussia and Germa– ny's rise to the status of a great world power. Emphasis is given to nineteenth and twentieth century political and intellectual movements. (Alternate, odd years)